Midterm Elections 2022: How, Where and When You Can Vote

Your Vote is Power!

For the more than 257,000 Latino voters in North Carolina, the midterm is not just about casting a ballot, it’s about making our voices heard. There is much at stake in these elections. Our votes represent a better future for our families.

Vote yes

Deadline: October 14


Registration Deadline: Oct 14

Early Voting

October 20 - November 5

General Election

November 8

Registered Voters Have Three Convenient Ways To Vote

Early Voting

Vote at any early voting site in your county - youcanvote.org/vote

Election Day

You must vote at your assigned polling place - youcanvote.org/lookup

By Mail

Request an absentee ballot with this form - youcanvote.org/mail


Citizens who will be 18 years old by Election Day and are not currently in jail or prison for a felony. Residents who have lived in North Carolina for at least 30 days as of Election Day.

To register entirely online you will need your social security number AND your NC Drivers License or DMV ID number. If you don’t have one of these numbers, begin the form online and you will be mailed a registration form to sign along with a stamped envelope to return your form.

Register at your home or the address where you stay most often. Your voter registration address does not have to match your drivers license address. If you don’t get mail where you live, provide a mailing address. Update your registration every time you move, even within the same county or city. 

Request an absentee ballot to vote by mail. Requests are due 7 days before Election Day. You must return your completed ballot by Election Day. Check out youcanvote.org/mail for instructions. 

  • If you are in line at the time when polls close, stay in line! Poll workers must provide you a ballot if you arrive when polls are open.​
  • If you believe you have registered but your name is not on the rolls or if you are told that you are in the wrong precinct, you are entitled to vote with a provisional ballot and receive follow-up instructions.
  • You have a right to vote without being INTIMIDATED or FORCED to vote in a certain way. Call to report intimidation 1-888-OUR-VOTE

Call the voter hotline: 1-888-OUR-VOTE. For more information or to join us, visit: youcanvote.org

Video Informativo en Español sobre las Elecciones

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