Days :
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25 Hours Total Length

Starts On May, 26th

Lifetime Access


Key Information


Register to Vote

In-Person: Oct 17- Nov 2

Online: October 11

By Mail: October 11

Who Can Register to Vote?

• Be a US citizen. • Be 16 or 17 to pre-register and 18 years old on or by Election Day to vote. • Live at your residence for at least 30 days before Election Day. • Not currently serving a felony sentence, including probation or parole.

Register in Person

Register Online

Register by mail


VOTE 2024

This November elections, we are electing the President of the United States, the Governor of North Carolina, as well as congress members, the 170 legislators of the General Assembly, judges, and county commissioners. 


Vote at any early voting site in your county.


Request an absentee ballot and ensure your voice is heard


You must vote at your assigned polling place.

Vote yes


Election Day Problems?

Report an election issue by calling:

  • 1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) Call or text
  • 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español)
  • If you are not offered a ballot because a poll worker questions your citizenship, call the NC
    voter assistance hotline immediately at 1-888-OUR-VOTE.


How To Vote

Voter Photo ID

If you have an approved ID, bring it with you to vote! The address on the voter ID does not have to match your voter registration. If you don't have an approved ID, complete the photo ID exception form.

elections 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

You can bring someone inside to assist you OR remain in your vehicle to use curbside
voting (only voters unable to get inside polling location can use curbside voting). Ballots
will only be printed in English.

Request an absentee ballot to vote by mail. Requests are due 7 days before Election Day.
You must return your completed ballot by Election Day. Learn more →

If you are in line at the time when polls close, stay in line! If you believe you have registered but your name is not on the rolls or if you are told that you are in the wrong precinct, you can vote with a provisional ballot and receive follow-up instructions.

Use the shelter address where you stay most often. Or you can draw the
address or intersection where you sleep then provide a mailing address.

You can register and vote on the same day only during
Early Voting! To register and vote same day at an Early Voting site, bring a proof of a residency document
that includes your name and registration address such as an ID, online bill, government check, bank
statement, lease contract, or mortgage statement.

The voter registration form asks for gender, race, and ethnicity. This demographic section is OPTIONAL. If your identity is not represented, or you do not wish to identify, you can leave it blank.

You have a right to vote without being intimidated or forced to vote in a certain way. Voters
who feel harassed or intimidated should notify an election official AND call the NC voter
assistance hotline immediately at 1-888-OUR-VOTE.

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Alex Crowly. The Multidisciplinary Designer, currently Lead User Interface Designer at

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Alex Crowly

Hi, I am Alex, the lead designer at This course will uncover all UI/UX design process steps and what to do to create bright and successful user interfaces. You will find out how to become an expert in UI/UX by exploring different techniques, following each stage, from user research to implementation.

Becoming an Interface Designer

Step by Step

25 Hours Total Length

Starts On May, 26th

Lifetime Access

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