Health Blood Pressure Screening Point

As part of our health cause in our department, we have designated several Blood Pressure (B/P)  Pop-Up health check sites thru out the counties we serve. This pop-up site are strategic placed outside of shopping centers or restaurants where our Hispanic/ Latin/Latinx community frequent. Our CHW approached  people and consented to do a BP testing.

Afterwards, people are giving information about the importance of regularly checking their B/P levels and the impact of a health -balance die.  Outcome measure with people with high readings are flagged to be able to later on invite them to form part of our Salud Integral program in Durham County.


Sep 06 2022


9:00 am - 2:00 pm


La Marqueta Tienda y Carnicería
301 E Williams St, Apex, NC 27502, USA

Location 2

Compare Foods of Apex
301 E Williams St, Apex, NC 27502, USA

Location 3

Super Compare Foods
2000 Avodanle Dr Suite A Durham

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