El Centro Hispano joined a pool of organizations selected as vendors by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to recruit, train and manage Community Health Workers providing COVID-19 outreach, education, and support communities in Medicaid Regions 4 and 5.

Community Health Workers will make referrals and/or assist providers with COVID-19 testing, vaccination, and community support to include scheduling appointments, finding transportation to vaccination sites, case management, nutrition assistance, and behavioral health services.

Thanks to the funding from the State, El Centro Hispano will work with Fiesta Cristiana Mission Congregation, Green Rural Redevelopment Organization. and Dunn-Lillington District to cover services in Cumberland, Durham,Harnett, Lee, Orange, Person, Montgomery, Moore, Richmond, and Vance counties.

The NCDHHS-funded COVID-19 Community Health Worker initiative will run through June 2022, with the possibility of renewal for an additional two years.

Success criteria for vendors will include the number of clients assisted with COVID-19-related services and supports, the number of referrals made, the referrals in which individuals are connected to resources, as well as the provision of vaccine education, referral, and support for vaccination events.

The Community Health Workers have been the pillar for our community during this pandemic and can deliver culturally and linguistically appropriate services to the community.

“We can overcome this pandemic and help our community, but it will take all of us working towards that goal. Please get vaccinated, wear a mask, stay socially distant and wash your hands frequently.  Together we can and will beat this virus, but above all protect our community.”

— Pilar Rocha-Goldberg, President and CEO.