
Launching an Educational Campaign to Raise Awareness Against HB10 

El Centro Hispano NC and El Colectivo in North Carolina are taking a firm stance against HB10, denouncing the proposed legislation that threatens the livelihoods and safety of undocumented immigrants in the state.

Pilar Rocha-Goldberg, President & CEO of El Centro Hispano, vehemently opposes HB10, highlighting the economic absurdity of targeting a community integral to building the state and the nation. “Instead of implementing unnecessary and restrictive bills like HB10, we should prioritize labor protections and access to work permits,” Rocha-Goldberg emphasized.

El Colectivo NC echoes this condemnation, emphasizing the terrorizing effects of anti-immigrant legislation on immigrant communities. Similar bills passed in other states have fostered an atmosphere of fear and insecurity nationwide.

HB10, mandating sheriffs to cooperate with federal immigration officials without judicial orders, poses significant threats to immigrant communities in North Carolina. Rather than enhancing security, HB10 would instill fear and erode trust between law enforcement and immigrants.

Salazar, a representative of El Colectivo, underscores the grave consequences of HB10, stating, “Legislation like HB10 does not make our communities safer. When local law enforcement officers get involved in federal immigration law, it creates fear and mistrust in our communities and it harms public safety.” He added: “With HB10, we’ll see families torn apart, countless victims in ICE custody, unable to defend themselves. It perpetuates fear and risks overcrowded jails and deportations.”

North Carolina relies heavily on undocumented immigrant labor, with significant contributions in vital sectors like construction and agriculture. According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, approximately 2.4 million farm jobs need to be filled annually, underscoring immigrants’ critical role in sustaining essential sectors of the economy.

El Colectivo NC, alongside organizations like El Centro Hispano, demands protection for immigrants rights. With undocumented immigrants constituting 39% of North Carolina’s immigrant population and contributing $5.9 billion in purchasing power, their integration into the workforce is vital for the state’s prosperity.

Through social media campaigns like #StopHB10 and #ProtectNCFamilies, El Colectivo NC and El Centro Hispano are launching an educational campaign to mobilize support to oppose HB10, provide educational resources, and safeguard immigrant families’ rights and dignity in North Carolina. Access to the toolkit here.

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