Upcoming Events
Virtual Meetings:: Every other Monday // 6 pm
How to Get Involved
Jóvenes Líderes en Acción is an El Centro initiative to support and provide resources to Latinx youth and their families/caretakers. Our program is designed to create opportunities for personal growth and academic advancement. Students can join the program as they begin high school and continue until their second year of college.
By participating they will have access to:
- Monthly Activities + Service Learning Opportunities
- College Preparation + Academic Achievement
- Life Skills + Career Readiness
- Social/Environmental Justice Education + Leadership Development
- Mental Health & Wellness Support
Who is it for?
We do ALL of this to empower the Latinx youth, build their resources, and strengthen our community. Jóvenes Líderes en Acción (Youth Leaders in Action) is a community-based program designed to create opportunities for personal growth and academic advancement of Hispanic/Latino pre-teens, adolescents, and young adults, ages 12 to 24, and their families/caretakers.

How we’re showing up for our gente
As youth nurture their compassion and innate leadership, they can increase their impact and improve their lives and their community.
Advocating through personal support, educating through specialized programs, sharing resources and access to networks is how we support and cultivate healthy relationships that deepens their sense of purpose.
We provide support to students interested in going to college or any post-academic opportunities beyond High School. We include assistance with FAFSA, applying for scholarships, and research.
You get access to our extensive network and we help you plan and connect to available opportunities. We help you explore new careers and define your passion.
We work to skill share and learn from our community to grow into leadership by expanding our potential and practice compassion and effective communication.
We are part of a community that is actively working to support and grow, so that we can better the lives for all us.
It is important to know what works for us and what improves our wellbeing so that we can understand ourselves better and make the best decisions we can.
If you have a need or desire to help your community and learn near skills and meet new people, we can help you.
We know it takes a whole network of people to support one child. Therefore its important to connect with parents and caretakers, so they can be prepared and ready when needs arise.
Developing into adults is process that requires a lot of support and tools to navigate. We share some tools and strategies that may help youth tap into their fullest potential and share what they learn with others in their community.

Reuniones – monthly virtual gatherings
Advocate, educate, provide resources and access to networks & programs, create an open and supportive space, and cultivate healthy relationships.
Open Monthly Activities
Promote positive activities for Latinx youth through programs aimed at strengthening interpersonal relationships; sharing skills that encourage positive health behaviors; and bridge stronger connections to their Latinx culture.

Youth Development + Leadership
We work on creating an open and supportive space in order to increase Latinx youths’ awareness of programs outside school that will improve and develop strong leaderships skills, cultivate diverse networks, and have access to valuable opportunities.
Parent/Caretakers Education
Implement a monthly newsletter with resources + guides that teach and enhance parents’ skills to better support their children and promote parent-child relationships. We offer a monthly parent circle gathering that will provide families a space to deal with the stress associated with acculturating to the U.S. and family dynamics in this new environment.

Ways to Participate
Attend an Event
Virtual Meetings::
Every other Monday // 6 pm
Join Us
If you are highly considering participating with JLA, please email me directly at dburgos@elcentronc.org.